Wednesday, September 24, 2008

clay aiken

so, clay aiken officially came out in people magazine....AMEN! it's about time....

i was reading an AP article about he and his partner just had a baby...there was no more hiding it now....they called the american idol judges- none of which were available for comment....but my favorite part of the whole article was this-

"This is really shocking news as I had no idea he was gay," read a comment posted by "Sheridansq." "And now I have to deal with this. I am not sure what to say to people who know I was a fan. ... I didn't go to work today and am not answering the telephone."

i want to meet this person....who the hell can't go to work or answer the phone because some celebrity you like comes out? i want to meet this person....clearly this is someone who believes you can catch the out everyone, you might catch it too....

i will leave you with this fun quote- "If homosexuality is a disease, let's all call in sick to work, 'Hello can't come to work today, still gay'"

1 comment:

Kristin said...

I love this story; clearly this person has issues!