Tuesday, September 23, 2008

the group member

sunday i was sitting in barnes and noble doing my normal sunday studying...or at least what is becoming my normal sunday studying....anyway, my phone rings with a restricted number....i don't answer, which is what i do....i don't answer restricted numbers, who knows who it could be....anyway, they leave a message and i go on with my work.....

later on sunday night my group and i "meet" on line to create a timeline for our project....when i sign in a few members are talking about something, but i have missed most of whatever it is, so i just ignore it....we get down to business....one member is missing, but people don't seem concerned, so i am not concerned...i am sure someone knows where she is.....

we finish our work and i decide it's time to listen to my messages....there is only one.....and it's from the missing group member.....now a little background about this member.....she talks a 100 miles a minute....and i am not kidding....i can never follow her no matter how hard i concentrate.....i understand our classmates who don't speak very good english better than i do her....and she is always very busy and by busy i mean- she can't sit still-ever.....she also gets very agitated, very easily....okay, so back to the message she left me....

what i understood from the message is something spilled on her laptop....her bibliography is not and will not be done because of it....she can't take her son to the school to her homework, so it won't be done....her cell phone and home phone were both stolen....and she won't be online tonight because her laptop is gone...and she can't take her son to the library....

i deleted this message....now you have to think that she is saying all this at her 100 mile a minute pace and really, i didn't get most of what she said....unfortunately another group member actually answered the call....the rest of us ignored it.....he answered....and 40 minutes later all he had was bleach was poured on her laptop and couch....someone stole her home and cell phones (which i am still perplexed how one's home phone gets stolen).....and she didn't do her homework and isn't coming to class....he told the group we were never allowed to call him.....

so, i don't know the fate of the 100 mile a minute talker....but whatever her story, it is bizarre....

1 comment:

Kristin said...

This slightly reminds me of someone I know, but then again, I don't really know them, so that's not really fair. I shall take off my judgey-mcjudgey pants pronto! I
don't get how both your home and cell were stolen either; unless someone broke into your house, in which case, wouldn't your laptop, tv, etc, have been stolen too? I'm just sayin'...