it's time for my second year of school to start...i can't believe my summer is gone and i am going to be heading back to class once again....
this year i was planning on taking a monday night and thursday night class....however, my monday night class is full...and the waitlist is, i made plans to instead take two thursday at 4 and one at will be similar to my first semester at albany, when i had two monday means that i will be missing an afternoon of work and need to work late on the other days, but the good news is only traveling to albany once a week...
i will be taking administrative planning in higher education and survey research methods....both are with professors i have never had- which makes me nervous...but research methods is with my advisor, so that will be exciting too....the other professor i know nothing about and i am a little sad that i am not taking a class with the one professor that i feel i click well with....his class was the full, i will venture off this year without him....
you maybe wondering what these two classes are all about...i also am wondering....i have already received the book listing for the survey research class- there are 8, that's right, 8 required a list of "optional" texts which is 10 books long....i just finished ordering my 8 required, from three different sites, to get the best prices....the grand total, you maybe wondering....$340....yup....just for one class....the course description talks about how the class will help with the understanding of modern research design, including practice in developing questions, designing questionaires, and conducting "mini small scale surveys" (this part of the description came right out of the catalog)....
the administrative planning class simply states- policies to guide growth and development; applications for techiniques on decision making; using planning models....interesting....
well, thursday is my first day....and my new year will begin...
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