some of you may know that i have been actively involved in a professional organization for about 6 years now...and by active i mean i have held a position on the executive board...for those of you that didn't know, well, now you do....and it's interesting that i've kept that from you....
anyway, my current position on the board is to be a elected representative for my district within our organization...that district is called western NY...i don't live in western NY, but the organization clumped us together....all NY places that have zip codes with 13 or 14, then it's considered western...someday, if you would like or need, i will give you some NY geography and explain more why i am not in western NY....of course, if you are from the city, i already know- i am from upstate and western....we just let the city people believe that....
okay, why am i really writing about this? well, i was nominated to run for a new position on the board- president....actually, it's called president elect...because it's a three year term, the first year is as the president elect, the second year as president, and the last year as past my six years on the board, i have seen six president elects and presidents, and seven past presidents...all completely different people...all doing things in completely different ways...i have observed them all, as well as our organization....
i have great loyalty to the is a place where i have learned alot about myself as a professional and have made some outstanding friends....i have had the chance to interact with senior residence life professionals in a way that i wouldn't otherwise and it's really been a learning my time on the board, i have grown to care about what we are doing for our members and as an organization....then the nomination came....
i thought about the nomination for a long time....i called one of my mentors and talked at length about if it was a good decision for me and for the organization....we talked about what the group needs and what i could bring to the was a good discussion and she helped alot, but i decided to write to some people in the organization who have either been there with me right along or are new to being on the board with me....all of them are people who's opinions i greatly respect, so i wanted to hear their thoughts....i asked three simple questions and their responses varied greatly....but it gave me lots of food for thought....
as we all know, everyone has an opinion....and the opinions about what our organization does well and what it could do better were vast....but all had the same message....i spent a few weeks mulling it all over....and then decided to write my candidacy statement....this took me a long time....why could i be a good leader for our organization....what does the group need to move i could provide that forward movement or at least aid in it....the whole process was mentally exhausting for me at times....i definately had my doubts about running....and really wasn't sure i was going to run....
once the statement was done, i got some feedback on it....and then the big decision i send it in....the current past president had sent me an email saying that she was waiting for my statement...that more nominations for me had come, she hoped i was considering running....i finished the statement, had all my feedback, and sent it in....the process had officially begun....
now, i am a current candidate for president all the candidate information was posted on our website....i am running against one other person....i am nervous....this is a big step for me, to put myself out there like this....i feel very exposed....and i am not sure i have a chance...but i did it....and we will see how it goes...
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