Wednesday, November 12, 2008

life in the fast lane

i am not sure how fast lane i live, but sometimes it feels very fast....right now, i think i feel that way because i need time to do my homework, but i don't have it this week.....there are lots of reasons why, some that have made my heart happy, others are work related, but basically it's not getting done.

so on monday, i went to class as usual....and sat through stats class....i think if any class could kill, this would be it....the material is not interesting, and i know the professor can't help that, but she could be more exciting....i sit in class and think up stories about her life....what her house must look like- based on what her office looks like....her office is outta control! it's crazy messy and i am not sure how she finds anything....i went in to see her and there was no where for me to, i am sure some of you are thinking of other people you know with offices like this....just giggle for a minute.

back to her made up life in my head....her husband is just finishing up law school....a think it must have been a mid-career crisis....he decided he didn't like what was he was doing, so he went back to school....i give him credit, because i have decided he must be at least 55, which means that he decided at like 50 to change careers....a big decision when you are so close to, in my head i give him alot of respect....

in class we got back our second quizes and was not as anxiety enducing as before...good thing. the guy next to me got a 100 on his quiz....i am a little jealous....fred flintstone announced during the break that he has never been in such a boring class before in his, it's even bad for fred.

in org devo we talked about to be a change agent, how to make change work, what needs to happen to be effective....the reading we had to do was very relavent to my everyday life...when i was reading, i kept thinking of my work life....what is happening in my department, on campus....things aren't great right now....mostly i think because the governor keeps bringing everyone down with budget crap....but i am not sure that's all it....but something feels off....maybe i will never figure it for class, it was interesting to sit with the young ones and listen to them....again it goes back to me being the bitter old lady and them being the naive young ones....

as for life in the fast lane...this past weekend i was down in cold spring....that is where the in-laws are....we had a birthday party and a baby shower....not at the same time....this was the weekend some of the family decided it would be good to talk to me about dating again....i understand they are being supportive and helping me to know it's's not time....because i was away for the weekend, no work got done....i got home on sunday and i was i napped instead of doing my the work i did get done was only this past week's, nothing ahead....the weekend with the family was nice, as always....and jack got to play with his cousin henry alot.

this week, i went to visit a friend in auburn....she is here from turkey....the country that is....yes, a good friend, she moved away....i miss her lots....i drove there with another was nice to just spend the time with them made me realize how much i miss all my friends....and how much it really hurts....well, not hurt as much as i ache to be around them....i feel more whole when i am aroudn them....i dreamed last night that we all lived in the same place....again. i guess i am the only one who has really at one time lived in the same place as my friends haven't necessarily done that, but it would be nice....but as for my friend in turkey, i told someone today that i think of her being just in makes it feel a little more close and easily accessible...the rest of the week is late meetings and then more time with friends....i hope to squeeze in laundry and homework....oh, and of course sleep.

i think the other thing that is hard for me is, that i miss my house and the cats and the dog when life is crazy....i work with moms and dads who talk about not having enough kid time or family time....and i guess when i think of it, while it's not the same, i don't have enough pet time....they are like my kids, my family.....and i miss them....and it's not fair to them that i am not here....but i just don't know how to do it all....i can't imagine if they were real, i give you all credit- but i am still allergic ;)

okay, so this post is not so in the fast lane for me this week has been a little depressing, i guess....but what's important is that i did see and will see lots of my special people...

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