Wednesday, November 5, 2008


i need to write a little about what i saw happen last night....a man was elected to be our president, someone who is a minority, something i thought i would never see in my life was a part of history that i can someday i saw happen....but i was not a supporter, i did not vote for him, and i am not sure what if any change he will bring to our country....

i voted for a third party candidate....i exercised the right i have as a citizen of this country and voted for who i felt would make the changes i believe need to happen....most people assumed through alot of this election, or at least that is the sense i got from them, that i would support the major party candidate....i never said one way or another who i was supporting....i was carefully me, the major party candidates, neither of them, have any real balls....sorry for the language, but i want a leader who is not afraid to take on the tough issues and have a REAL opinion about them.....not someone who gives wishy washy answers and the answer that most of society will want to hear.....that's crap.

i voted for a third party candidate because i could....and i am thankful for that....alot of people said to me as i talked about my voting choice, "why would you vote for someone who won't win. your vote won't count." to me my vote did vote said to the nation, we need to get over this two party stuff.....i mean really, what have these two parties done for us? except show us that it's okay to be disrespectful of each other, it's okay to say mean things about each other, and that it's okay to find ANY dirt you can about the other party.....i look for a leader and i don't see one....i haven't seen one....

now, i am a clinton person....i loved bill this day the man excites me and motivates me....and everyone could say what they want about his morals....i believe that it was something between three people, a man, his wife, and his mistress.....i still stand by the man....1992 was my first presidential election.....that year, i drove to manchester, nh with one of my friends....we went to her family's house and then to democratic was the last time i was excited about an was the last time i was truly happy about our "leader." i thought about that night last night as i was watching what was happening on the tv....watching all the supporters who were feeling hope, it brought me back to then....and i am happy that they too got to experience what i once did....

today i woke up sad....more sad than normal, because as i watched the news, i saw two states take away rights from me....i saw two states turn me and other people gay people into second class citizens....i am now watching a third state figure out how they are going to make a decision about their proposition...another state has taken away adoption rights to anyone, gay or straight, who is not married....that's right, a single person can not adopt or foster in this state....are gay people really that scary....i mean i do my best to not be scary.....but we are scary enough that we can't have simple rights to have a family and a legal, recognized marriage.....i sat in my office this morning, reading the news on line, and still blows me away that we live in a place that doesn't feel everyone deserves the same rights....equality.....

to my friends who support our new president, i say, i hope he proves me all, i want to apologize for assuming you may think like me or feel the way i i looked around during this election, i realized that it happens alot....that people make alot of assumptions about each other, based on what they do for a living, or where they work, or, to anyone i did that to, i am sorry for not being more self aware....

i will still hope that one day i will be seen as an equal in society....i hope that politicians will clean up their acts and be real leaders....and i hope there is some kind of change.

1 comment:

Kristin said...


Thanks Jen! That's why I kept my mouth shut the entire election and why I have in the past; because people assume and judge. I hope you know you've been the exact opposite to me :)