Tuesday, October 7, 2008

talking in code

earlier i said how i was voluntold by my group to send an email to our professor about our reappearing group member....

as i was writing the email i was thinking about how a few weeks ago our professor approached our group and talked to us in "code"....he reminded us how if there was someone who wasn't performing that we would be able to grade each other at the end of the semester....we of course took that as, "if you have a sucky group member, i should know."

so, in code today i basically told him that our sucky group member hasn't done a thing and she had disappeared and now that she reappeared we don't want her....but in reality we know we have to keep her and she sucks....and we don't want to fail because of her....

anyway, after the group approved my coded she sucks email, i sent it....then the professor replied...in code! first he tells us that sometimes in the "real world there are employees who don't pull their weight." no kidding...but in the real world we are not getting a grade for our degree program....then he encouraged us to be sure to talk with her....duh....and then said we would get to grade each other....great....the best line and most coded- "i will also talk with her about her performance and keep this in mind. please keep me informed of her performance throughout the semester."

even he knows she sucks....without saying he knows she sucks....all in code.

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