Sunday, September 13, 2009


labor day weekend a few of us decided to go camping....we searched out a site and decided on one in the was called limekiln lake- not far from old forge....this was my second time camping this summer and i was happy to be in the woods and unavailable to the world....

so, we arrive on our campsite and the first thing the attendant explained to me was about black bears...she warned not to leave any food out on our site, in our car, or in the tent....all food needed to go into the food locker...or as i call it, the bear locker

the thought of bear walking onto our campsite to take our food caused me not to sleep all night out first night....but in the morning we had a nice visit from a different woodland creature, which made me feel better about the bears...

Overall, the weekend was relaxing and gave me lots of time to try out my new video camera before i head to vietnam with are some pictures too...

our lakea campfire-my fava view from up above