Sunday, March 22, 2009
circus de ole and where's bob?
in my tuesday class we figured out who would win the ncaa tournament based on athlete graduation rates....the final would come down to dayton and duke...and duke would just edge out'a very interesting to see how athlete graduation rates are figured out....and how they are broken men's basketball it's between african americans and whites....and it's only those who actually, if you happen to have been on the basketball team in november and then all of a sudden you are off the team in february, you don't count toward graduation's just another way in which statistics prove nothing. (my stats teacher from the fall would be proud).
now, where is bob? this is a question i received today at barnes and noble...i have not been there in a while to study, but today i decided to give it a table was in an interesting spot, it was a high table near low tables...and there was alot happening....first, there was a young woman who was approached by a young man...they knew each other but had not seen each other in a started as an interesting conversation- "how old are you now?" this was him asking ears perked right up-why not? obviously he was checking to make sure she was old enough to get into her pants....well, this is what i assumed...the conversation went on about where she has traveled to, where she wants to go to college, and what he has been up to (he goes to UAlbany)....she is a senior at Vestal...then the conversation turns to prop ears really perk up....she then explains to him that she is the president of the GSA...i am impressed...she continues about how prop 8 is wrong, etc...this all ends with her giving him her phone number....she will learn.
then two gay boys come sit at the low table near me....and i get hear their escapades from the night before...not anything i want to hear...i do my best to ignore, but i am like big brother over, it's hard to ignore...but back to alex follows me into barnes and might remember alex from other blogs...he wanders around talking to was no different, except he came up to me and said, "where's bob? did you see where he went?" i looked at him, wide-eyed....i am stunned that he is talking directly to me...i am more stunned that he is looking for someone specific....then before i can say anything, bob comes up to him and walks him to a table...there was a bob...and bob seemed to be having a conversation with alex....i was impressed....later in the night alex's phone rang and he yelled, "MOM! I AM WITH MY FRIENDS. I AM NOT COMING HOME!" this is when i decided to one needs a mad alex...that might turn into a circus de ole...
Saturday, March 14, 2009
hand dryer

so, after my moment of confusion, i read the basically stick your hands in between the wall and this turns on and drys was awesome...and so environmentally made my day
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
but let's go back a little...first, to monday night's, i spent all day on sunday in young, active, social life caught up with me....i laid in my bed until 5pm...something i don't think i have done since of the favorites was here too...she also stayed in bed that long....we got up, made dinner, played a few games and then went back to bed.....notice here- i did not study....i knew i had a quiz on monday night, but i did not study one bit...
i thought i would study at work- right, this has yet to work for, i am not sure why i thought it would be different on this studying at work...i get to class and read through my notes and figure, whatever....this is the same professor who decided on our papers to give us all full credit, no matter how we did on, maybe the same luck would come to me on this night....he taught class first, quiz would be at the end...he handed out the quiz, explains it, and then announces, open book, open notebook....i breath, i think for the first time all night....
as for the you know i had my thoughts about running for president...and i threw my name in the hat and amazingly my name was picked....i am still in shock about this...but first let me tell you about the phone call...
i am sitting in my office and my cell phone of my secretaries is in the office with me asking me some question about housing, that i probably don't need to answer, but i am answering anyway....i ignore the phone call...secretary leaves- i listen to the's the current past president saying she needs to talk to me about the election...she sounds very serious...i listen to her voicemail a few times (4 to be exact) to see if i can tell anything from her voice...i start to shake because i have decided it must be bad...after all, this past president is usually much more friendly with, i have decided she has bad news and is nervous to talk to me too....
i call back...shaking like crazy....i mean, my whole body is was crazy- i remember being this nervous when i started high school, but not really, i call back...i have to tell the person (who i have decided was a student) three times my name before he got it right...then she gets on the phone...she starts by telling me she has unfortunate news for me....i feel the lump but remind myself that i will not cry until the call is done....then the words, "you will have to serve in the president cycle for the next three years." i was shocked...i am still shocked...
i have received a lot of emails since the announcement went out about my win...i appreciate all the warm, kind thoughts that have been sent to, we will see how i do with all this...
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
woes of home ownership....
last night I decided to skip class....mostly because I had a pretty shitty day at work (but that's a different story)....i got home and heard rushing water in my house, but couldn't find it, I took jack out for his walk and noticed water coming out of the house under the tenant's kitchen window.
I call home owner's insurance- they don't cover damage when there is no heat. i sent the tenant's lease to my brother in law for help....what are my rights? he has a lawyer review it and tell me what to do next....write a letter, highlighting all the places in the lease that show she is liable for the damages and repairs.....put together the total of the repairs- 855 plus carpet replacement....i won't see the money i am sure unless i take her to court....which i am pretty sure i will do....
the best part-i had to clean up the dirty apartment (see pictures) in order to get the carpet dried was gross and no one should have to do that....i put all her crap into plastic bags, placed the bags in the bathroom and left them there....
here is part of the broken sink
the plumber was able to turn my water back on and fix the broken parts only cost 135 and the damage was he said to me, "you got lucky this time."
i love my house and owning it...and i love that i have a way to supplement the mortgage payment....but i need to find a way to weed out the idiots....
Monday, March 2, 2009
the article asked four women to keep a gratitude journal for two months...everyday they had to record what they were grateful for that day...the women talked about how doing this improved their outlooks and attitudes...and how it made them see the smaller things too....i thought that it is a great idea....
so, today i am grateful for five guys hamburgers and fries....they made me smile after a tough appointment...