Saturday, January 31, 2009

first days....

the semester has started and my two new classes have too....this semester i will be traveling to albany twice a week- mondays and tuesdays....i know you are all jealous of the amount of time i will spend on the road, but i promise to share my fortune with you all....

so, monday was my first day....i had arranged with my advisor to meet before my first class to discuss my program plan and credit transfers....i showed up to her office at 6:15 like she had asked me to....i introduce myself, because our only communication at this point has been through email...and she says, "oh, now i remember why your file has been sitting on my desk for so long." now, mind you, back in october i gave her my program plan and course transfer information....and then heard from her at christmas time...that's right, two months later....i had emailed her a number of times through the semester to see how things were going, but never did i guess she hadn't looked at i was standing in her office hoping we would finalize this....i was wrong....she says to me "i have another student coming in, so we will have to do this another time." awesome...she gives me my paperwork back and tells me what to do and actually writes in her calendar that i will be back the following monday to go over everything....

i have one hour until class to now, i meander downstairs and go find the building my class is buildings at albany are very creativly named- education, humanities, science, social science, etc....those of you who work at SUNY's get it....those of you who don't, it's just how things go around class is in humanities, which is a building i was in last semester too, but on a different floor....find my class and then leave, since it doesn't make sense to sit outside it for the next hour...

on my adventures i spot a says, "are you a regular marijuana user?" i look at the sign again, because i am convinced my mind must be playing a trick on me....but, it's true...the sign was looking for people to participate in a study on regular marijuana users....there are a few rules- no cigarette smoking, must be 18, must use marijuana at least once a day, and must be willing to come to interviews- that's it....participants will be compesated....i think, i could use the extra money, i wonder if i could fake it....

now it's class time....i had this professor last semester...i like him i am excited to have him again...the class is a core class and needs to be taken by all people in the EAPS program, so we are mixed class of higher ed and teachers....he tells us about the class and then, like any good education class, we have to go around and introduce ourselves and say a few things....this is always my favorite part....mostly because i can hear what others do and of course i form my opinion on whether or not they will annoy man annoyed me....he we will call the principle...mostly because that is what he is....

the priniciple introduces himself....says he is the principle at such and such school in dutchess the advance certificate program (ACP)....wants to be a superintendent....then he says, "Dr. Lane, this will be the one and only time I will be on time for this class. I travel here from Dutchess county and it's at least an hour and a half away, so you can not and should not expect me to be here on time. I have a job." I sit and watch Dr. Lane's face....sometimes he gives stuff away, sometimes he is pretty good....i would say he was pretty good....i think if anyone was watching my face, they would have seen my surprise and shock....and then i thought maybe when it's my turn i should make some smart comment about how my drive is 2 hours and i will always be on time....but as we know, i am shy- so this won't come out of my mouth....but my annoyance for the principle officially began...

on tuesday my class is called- College Student Affairs. this is a class i hope i do well in ;) basically the class is to learn about the profession i have been working in for the last 11 years....more if you count grad school...but we won't.....the professor is interesting....he has bad hair and is very nervous....he is balding, but has grown long the hair he does sits just on his sholders...straight down....but nothing really on top of his head....bad hair. the nerves were strange to all the classes i have ever taken, i have never experienced a nervous professor....he was shaky and so was his voice....the good news is that he seems very intellegent and knows his, maybe the nerves were a first day thing....

in the class, we again had to introduce woman who was in my monday night class was in this class too (she is new to the program)....she just graduated in december from her undergrad....she told me that she has decided she isn't going to work or get an assistantship because she doesn't want to be overwhelmed....i chuckled and told her it would be good practice for her to take classes and work, because it will get her ready for the real world....i don't think she appreciated that....she did ask me if i was working...well, you all know how that goes....

but my favorite part of this young woman is this...we again had to do the introduction of the things we had to share was why we were interested in college student new young friend's answer-"because i want to be in charge some day." right then i decided that i should be this woman's mentor....mostly because we have the same goal- being in charge. i used a different answer for why i was interested- it's been my career for the last 11 years....but i plan to get this woman to be my mentee...

on my way home, i decided to try and listen to the ipod was boring me and i didn't have a book to listen too....i came across christen talk was the only station that came in on that part of 88, so i decided to was some kind of call in show and people were telling stories of how they prayed to god or put all their faith that jesus was going to bring them something and it caller in particular talked about how they had lost their husband and how she prayed to jesus to save her from her pain and it worked....this of course hit a nerve for me...i guess i will say this, i give her credit for feeling like jesus just took her pain away....but the non-believer in me says, she is just supressing it all....mostly because i know that the pain of the loss of a loved one just doesn't go away....two years later and it's still pretty, i changed the channel....

those were my first days....lots of homework this semester...the social life i had during break is officially over....but i just remind myself it's all worth it....

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


i have been on break from school since december 15....that's a whole five weeks of no driving to albany for a's been a nice break....and a long break....and i did more driving in my break than i think i did the whole fall semester going back and's t minus 5 days until i start again....but let me recap my break.

i took off from work starting on december 22. i figured it would be a nice long three weeks off. why not? i don't really get to do that alot, so i did it....then the plans started to be made. i left bingo on dec 24, in the worst weather, and did not return until jan 7, in similar bad weather.

on the 24th, it took me almost 5 hours to get to cold spring...a normally 2 hour drive....there were cars off the road every 50 feet or so....i think i was lucky to get there in one piece....then it was another three hour drive to ct that night....i stayed in CS for about an hour....that's all. in ct, we had dinner at my grandmother's- a usual tradition- my parents and my sibling and his's a small gathering, but nice. my 5 year old neice is off the wall, and i am not sure who she got that from....

the next day was the normal family gathering at my stepmother's family was full of it's normal dysfunction and reminded me again why i only see this family once a was the day after christmas that the craziness started....

i got up early and left ct for philly....where i would visit with my in-laws for under 24 hours....we were having our own christmas celebration, and it was very mother in-law had hurt herself coming home from work on christmas, so it was a little worries, she is doing just fine very pregnant sister-in-law cooked us all dinner, our family and her's....i was impressed with her ability to host us all and be so pregnant....the next day i got up early again and travelled 6 hours to keene....this was to drop off jack before i headed the extra four hours up to montreal....yes, you read that right, i spent less than 24 hours in philly and drove about 10 hours the next day to montreal...why, one might ask?

montreal was the place were one of my friends had chosen to spend her 30th, i agreed to be there...for three days....yup, 3 days....again, i drove through some interesting weather in VT and canada to get there, but i did it....i got there....somethings i learned: 1. they do not speak english in montreal...actually, it's the entire provence of quebec....i crossed the boarder and no longer understood road signs- at least the ones without pictures....this is not something i knew, and no one warned me of this. 2. this is your warning- learn a little french before going to montreal....there are people who speak NO should be prepared. 3. when a massage therapist says to you, "take a deep inspiration." she means a breathe....4. when crossing the boarder, and the patrol officer asks you, "all that stuff is your clothes?" it's best to just answer the smart remarks....5. when you are crossing back into the US...the boarder patrol will ask you why are are going to the place you are returning to....even if you tell them it's your home.

from montreal, i ventured to boston, the longest stay of my adventures....there i celebrated another friend's 30th birthday and new year's....again, i stopped in keene after crossing the border to pick up jack...and off we went...the weather held out that day, it was clear and boston, two other friends met me there, so four of us celebrated year's day was a day of laziness, just watching movies and sitting around....then it was time to explore was a nice break....i left boston for a few days, to visit friends in keene....and to send jack back to bingo without me....after keene, back to boston i went for work related things....then finally it was time to go home....that night the weather was again bad....and there was a point in the non-state i thought i might get stuck....but i made it....

since being home, i have finished reading the vampire books....i love them and think everyone should read them....oh, and if you have read them, i would love to talk about them! i put away the christmas decorations, but the boxes still sit in my house...i've gone out to be with my people...i have done alot of cooking....set up my new tivo....started PT, hoping it will make my back better....and have been disappointed in my job...i have talked about budget cuts and the economy more than i ever thought i would....i have 5 days left until i start school again....i did not make a quilt like i had hoped over this break....but i am hoping that i might be able to do some of that while i am break is almost over...but the best part will be that my new niece, Addyson Lola, will be born before i go back....